[In the media] Liquor.com Bartenders Only: One Chinese Bar is Bringing a Buzzy Booze to Life

[In the media] Liquor.com Bartenders Only: One Chinese Bar is Bringing a Buzzy Booze to Life

[In the media] Liquor.com Bartenders Only: One Chinese Bar is Bringing a Buzzy Booze to Life

May 13, 2015

Capital Sprits bar has been reviewed by the award winning cocktail and spirits industry publication, Liquor.com.  This article features an interview with partner Simon Dang as he discusses the origins behind the bar and plans on how to make Baijiu the next world’s favorite spirit.    Thank you Liza Zimmerman for the great write up!

Full Article Here


Contact: Simon Dang
Company:      Capital Spirits Bar and Distillery 首都酒坊
Phone:           +86 186 11509831
Email:            simon@capitalspiritsbj.com
Address:         3 DaJuHutong Beijing 大菊胡同3号 北京
Website          www.capitalspiritsbj.com

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